Customer Satisfaction Survey for JSM Portal

The Customer Satisfaction Survey for JSM Portal app provides a straightforward means of capturing customer feedback directly on the customer’s issue page they see on the JSM Portal. When enabled, the app adds a “Customer Satisfaction Survey” under the App header of an Incident, Service Request, or any other JSM issue.

This survey form provides three choices for the customer to choose from, as well as a comment field to add constructive criticism.

When a customer makes their selection and clicks the Save Feedback button, their choice, along with any text they’ve entered, will be added as a comment in the Activity history of the issue.

Currently, the App allows customers to submit/save their survey feedback anytime, including multiple times across all issue states/statuses.

The label text of the buttons, as well as the subheading of the survey, can be changed on the App’s Admin page. See the instructions on the App’s admin page on how to customize your labels and control if the survey is enabled or disabled.

The development roadmap for this app has numerous features. Please let us know on our App support page if you have any preferences regarding which features should come before others.