Automated Device Association

Automated Device Association

Automatically link Intune devices associated with reporters to incidents and service requests.

  1. Create an ‘Assets Objects’ type Custom Field

  2. Edit the Custom Field

    1. ‘Edit Assets object/s field configuration’

  3. Store Multiple Objects

    1. Select the toggle and then ‘Save’

    2. Associate the new field to desired request types/screens

  4. Create a new project automation

    1. Trigger the automation upon creation of the issue

    2. Optional - Add a comment to log the automation on the issue

    3. Add lookup objects

      1. Select the appropriate Assets schema containing your Intune devices

      2. Query by the reporter Display Name or Email Address (email recommended)

        1. "User Display Name" LIKE "{{issue.reporter.displayName}}"

        2. "Email Address" LIKE "{{issue.reporter.emailAddress}}"

      3. If devices are found, update your new ‘Assets Objects’ field, if not you may want to comment/log to the issue

        1. If devices are found

          1. Key IN ({{lookupObjects}})

  5. Publish your new Automation

  6. Test & Validate